Have you ever been to Heaven on Earth?

Apparently, Offspring and Selfridges have.
Via freshness.


I do not miss this about Japan.

Yo hum YUM.

These are a few of my favorite things!

Tokyo Glow


tokyoglow from Nathan Johnston on Vimeo.

"Tokyo Glow" by The Generic Man.


Sometimes I forget that life is not about
what city you're in or how prestigious your job is,
what you wear or who you're dating.

Then I visit a certain group of friends, or FAMILY shall we say?
Today was that day,
and it was just in time.

After waking up to red Sharpie on my face
and birds attacking my sanity,
we pulled ourselves together for some quality time.

We talked feminism over brunch
and pieced together the conversations of last night.

I earned yet another nickname
while we acquired two new family members.

There were trust and honesty,
mixed with ideals and aspirations.

I laughed 'til I cried,
which made everyone laugh...
'til I cried some more.

We reminisced
in between dreams.

And we loved.
Isn't that what life is truly about?

Japanda No. 2

I hope Kazuhiro Kokubo wins a gold medal.

Whatever You Think I Am, That's What I'm Not

Should I go to church?
God's with me now.

Should I take pictures of myself
in my latest, zany outfit
and post them on my blog?

Should I wear heels more?

Should I watch TV?
I think mine's broken.

Should I cook and clean
while he goes to work?

Should I lose weight?

Should I support the war?
People are dying
and I'm out dancing.

Should I drink less?

Should I drink more?
Because it's so frustrating.

Should I be me?
Or who you think I should be?